Birdhouse Tea Bar & Kitchen is the new nesting place of Birdhouse Tea Company. Built in a converted former cutlery-machine factory, they have drawn on their expert tea knowledge to create a modern healthy dining and drinking experience.
Alsop Fields, Sidney St S1 4RG
- Wheelchair accessible (on ground floor)
- Accessible toilets (on ground floor)
- All toilets are gender neutral
- No Elevator to reach additional seating or additional toilets
- Baby changing facilities located within the accessible toilets and breastfeeding friendly
- Assistance dogs welcome
Capacity: 80 (80 standing, 60 seated)
Wheelchair Capacity: 10+
Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi available
Blue Badge Parking: Newton Lane S1 4PJ
AccessAble: https://www.accessable.co.uk/venues/birdhouse-tea-bar-kitchen