David is a bastion of bold, intelligent, and original factual programme-making, known to challenge and break traditional forms. Along with Co-Founder Mark Raphael, 72 Films has become a beacon for talented and emerging filmmakers, whilst winning notable commissions at Channel 4, BBC, National Geographic, Sky, Paramount, Netflix, Apple and Amazon. The multiaward winning 72 Films are the powerhouse producers behind titles such as 9/11: One Day in America, The Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty, Diana, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, and All or Nothing: Arsenal. Under David’s tenure as Head of Specialist Factual at Channel 4 he has generated award-winning hits such as Inside Nature’s Giants, Mummifying Alan, as well as ground-breaking documentaries Gogglebox, The Plane Crash, Drugs Live, and Live From Space.
Chair: Tabitha Jackson
Supported by Channel 4