Show Information
In this interactive web documentary, Luxembourg-Brazilian maker Dominique Santana asks whether the movement of hundreds of Luxembourgish migrants to Brazil 100 years ago was a success story.
In 1921, Luxembourg-based steel giant Arbed set out to create a steel plan in south-eastern Brazil. An industry in its infancy, hundreds of skilled workers migrated from Luxembourg, settling in the João Monlevade municipality. Using archival records, interviews with former residents and workers, Santana’s transmedia project showcases the stories and people behind the newly formed industry to explore the history and impact of the Colônia Luxemburguesa.-
Film details
Artist(s)Dominique Santana / Samsa Film / C2DH
Duration20 mins
Producer(s)Bernard Michaux / Samsa Film, Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA), The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)
Language(s)English, Portuguese, French, German, Luxembourgish (Letzeburgesch)