In Posse (Installation)

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In Posse is a new installation by artist Charlotte Jarvis that documents a quest she took to make semen from 'female' cells. The work engages with semen as a revered magical substance, a totem of literal and symbolic potency, and aims to use art and science to disrupt the patriarchy.
Whilst developing this multifaceted work across multiple years, countries, collaborations, Jarvis has been pregnant, experienced labour and become a mother. This iteration of the work is Jarvis’ attempt to reconcile these experiences with the process of making the project. It is also a manifesto of sorts, and a review of where the project stands in multiple senses: creatively, scientifically, ethically and personally.
Commissioned by Joe Cutts at Sheffield DocFest in partnership with Sharna Jackson at Site Gallery, this new multi-channel video installation of In Posse represents a new form for the work. In Posse will world premiere at Site Gallery, accompanied by a cinema presentation and a contemporary festival of Thesmophoria, a collaborative reimagining of the mysterious, ritualistic ancient Greek women-only event. In Posse was produced in collaboration with Dr. Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes (Leiden University Medical Center), Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute (Ljubljana), MU Hybrid Art House (Eindhoven) and others.
Premiere statusWorld premiere
Film details
Artist(s)Charlotte Jarvis
MediumMoving Image and Installation
Duration41 mins