In Posse (Screening)

With In Posse, Charlotte Jarvis documents a quest she took to make semen from ‘female’ cells. The work engages with semen as a revered magical substance, a totem of literal and symbolic potency, and aims to use art and science to disrupt the patriarchy. This has involved growing spermatozoa from her own body, developing a female form of seminal plasma, and resurrecting, reimagining and reenacting the ancient Greek fertility festival of Thesmophoria with new communal rites and rituals devised by participating womxn. This cinematic version of In Posse is shown alongside its installation, a new commission by Sheffield DocFest, in partnership with Site Gallery. Jarvis will join for a Q&A to discuss how the work rewrites our cultural narratives. In Posse was produced in collaboration with Dr. Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes (Leiden University Medical Center), Kapelica Gallery/Kersnikova Institute (Ljubljana), MU Hybrid Art House (Eindhoven) and others.
Special Programmes
Premiere statusWorld premiere
Film details
Artist(s)Charlotte Jarvis
MediumMoving Image
Duration46 mins
Film website