Sequence to a Dream

Sequence to a Dream_04.jpg
Show Information

Sequence to a Dream revolves around one person’s conscience: it is a cross between dream and reality, and a deep look into identity and what it means to subconsciously explore one’s self. The poem featured in the film, created and narrated by artist Yasmin Nicholas, explains the artist’s desire to explore the diaspora through her own heritage. Three ancestral spirits visit the artist, and provide her with an understanding of the identity of an artist, by a process of validation, shown through the granting of gifts. Sequence to a Dream contrasts bright dresses with the dreariness of London’s urban scenes, showing how one can change oneself through knowledge and culture.

Hear Yasmin Nicholas in Sonic Register: British black womxn and onscreen performativity (a recorded conversation).

Show Information

Fri 11 June 14:30 - 15:15
Showroom - Channel 5 Screen 2

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