Twilight City

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After 10 years in Dominica, Octavia’s mother Eugenia wants to return to London to live with her daughter again, but old resentments, hurt, and anger resurface. Meanwhile, interviewees - including Paul Gilroy, Gail Lewis, George Shires, Homi Bhaba, Rosina Visram and David Yallop - discuss how London has changed through the centuries and talk about the changes wrought by the Conservative Government through the 1980s. The interviewees talk about the people on the margins and how they survive. Meanwhile Octavia writes to her mother about their strained relationship, how the London she left behind is no longer the same as the one Octavia inhabits. She tries to understand her mother’s life, why, for example, she joined the Conservative Party and took comfort in the Church while Octavia and her friends demonstrated for gay rights. Octavia would like to have her mother’s faith but not her mother’s silence.

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