Right on Time Radio

  • Sat 5 June 13:00
  • Online Exhibitions Platform
  • 3h 00min

Tune in to Right on Time Radio for free on our Online Exhibitions Platform.

Right on Time Radio is a temporary web radio station, which will air daily on the Sheffield DocFest Online Exhibitions Platform throughout the festival, carried by the voices of sound artists, curators, researchers and radio & podcast collectives. This radio station features new works commissioned by Sheffield DocFest, including sound performance, discussions, contemporary literature, reflections and sound experimentations.

Throughout the waves of this radio station, the contributors have a carte blanche to share a glimpse of their practices, and some of the questions they raise in their work and research. Thus, not only inviting us to reflect further on some of the questions outlined in the Right on Time exhibition, but also offering the opportunity to shift from the visual dimensions of the exhibition into a space of collective listening. 

Right on Time Radio aims to initiate conversations, and to establish a platform of companionship which offers an alternative way of being and spending time ‘together’.

AWU Radio
Himali Singh Soin
Karim Kattan & Yasmine Benabdallah
Les Bonnes Ondes feat. Layal Rhanem
Yasmina Reggad

Drawing by Aziza Ahmad, courtesy of AWU Radio

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