The Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories has lasted 54 years, and there is seemingly no end in sight. Working with testimonies given by soldiers in the Israeli army, Avi Mograbi provides insights on how a colonialist occupation functions, using Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a case study.
Also screening in select cinemas across the UK. More info here.
The First 54 Years - An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation will be followed by a live online Q&A with Avi Mograbi which will be live-streamed from the cinema to Selects.
Premiere statusUK premiere
Film details
Director(s)Avi Mograbi
Country(s)France, Finland, Israel, Germany
Duration110 mins
Producer(s)Camille Laemlé, Serge Lalou
Language(s)Hebrew, English, French, German