- Zoom
- 1h 30min

For microbiologist Lynn Margulis, evolution is not as simple as a tree of life.
“The history of any organism is often depicted on a family tree. Family trees usually are grown from the ground up: a single trunk branches off into many separate lineages, each branch diverging from common ancestors. But symbiosis shows us that such trees are idealised representations of the past. In reality the tree of life often grows in on itself. Species come together, fuse, and make new beings, who start again....”1 - Lynn Margulis
Join us for a group reading and informal discussion inspired by Lynn Margulis’ revolutionary findings. How can her theories inspire us to see our living Earth beyond the traditional human-centred western perspective?
Together we will read passages out loud and share our experiences and thoughts about the nature(s) we live in and what it means to us.
Hosted by Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, artist, and Sina Ribak, researcher for ecologies and the arts.
In collaboration with Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur, Berlin.
Come and join us with an open mind.
This workshop will be hosted on Zoom. To register please click here.
To learn more about the life and ideas of Lynn Margulis, see Symbiotic Earth by John Feldman.
image credit: Pascalle Blokker, Intersections, 2021
1 Lynn Margulis (1998) Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution, Sciencewriters, Basic Books, Amherst, Massachusetts, p. 73.
For the full DocFest Exchange: Beyond Our Own Eyes talks and films programme click here.