A career in British TV or film has long been tied up with financial advantage – who you know and what kind of school you went to. The BBC and BFI both now have targets for working-class representation. But has the industry opened up to working-class voices? Here, for the first time, the BFI will release a breakdown of the class background of the creative talent they support, before a conversation involving the BFI, BBC, and filmmakers.
Speakers: Donna Taberer (Talent & Development Consultant), Femi Oyeniran (Filmmaker & Co-Founder of Fan Studios), Melanie Hoyes (BFI Head of Inclusion), Mia Bays (Director of the BFI Filmmaking Fund), Paul Sng (Director/Producer), Joanna Abeyie MBE (Head of Creative Diversity, BBC)
Moderator: Danny Leigh (Chief Film Writer, Financial Times)
Session Producer: Victoria Musguin-Rowe (Head of Development for BBC TV Current Affairs)
Assistant Producer: Mary O'Reilly (Researcher in BBC TV Current Affairs)