DFC AGM & Open Assembly: Don’t panic, organise!

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Come and meet the first ever elected board of representatives for UK documentary and help form the DFC’s regional chapters.

The first part of this session includes our very first Annual General Meeting (AGM). We’ll reflect on the challenges and achievements of the DFC in its first year and present our newly elected board. In the second part, we’ll focus on developing a key priority from last year’s Assembly – developing the documentary community across the UK. Show up, represent your region and help build the foundations of the DFC’s regional chapters

Doors open 09.30 for coffee and croissants!


Event Structure

10.00-10.45: Annual General Meeting
10.45-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-12:30: Open Assembly facilitated by Flore Cosquer and Elhum Shakerifar


Roisín Geraghty (Producer & Head of Industry, Docs Ireland)

Emily Copley (Joint Acting CEO, Documentary Film Council)

Dr Steve Presence (Joint Acting CEO Documentary Film Council & Associate Professor of Film Studies in the Department of Creative and Cultural Industries,UWE)

Flore Cosquer (Director, Scottish Documentary Institute)

Elhum Shakerifar (BAFTA nominated Producer, Curator & Writer - A Syrian Love Story, Almost Heaven)

Coordinated by the Documentary Film Council

Supported by the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)

In this show

Industry Session
150 mins

Book Tickets

DFC AGM & Open Assembly: Don’t panic, organise!
Channing Hall
Live Captions
'Industry only'

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