Slam Dunk: Crafting Sports Docs for Broad Appeal

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The heavyweights behind some of the world's best loved sports documentaries share their invaluable insights about the evolution of sports documentaries.

The heavyweights behind some of the world’s best loved sports documentaries share their invaluable insights about the evolution of sports documentaries. From exploring the unique storytelling blueprints to navigating celebrity-fronted ‘pop-docs’, this session promises to be enlightening for both seasoned professionals and aspiring filmmakers alike. Don't miss this opportunity to unravel the intricacies of creating documentaries that resonate with all audiences.

Speakers: Kati Fernandez (Senior Director, Head of Development at ESPN), Anouk Mertens (CEO of Neo Studios), Ian Davies, (Executive Producer from Noah Media Group), (Ben Turner, Founding Partner of Fulwell 73 Productions)

Moderator: Leslie Lee (Director, Producer Super League: The War For Football)

In this show

Industry Session
75 mins

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Slam Dunk: Crafting Sports Docs for Broad Appeal
Crucible Playhouse
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'Industry only'

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