Cyborg Generation

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Miguel Morillo Vega follows a young musician in his transition to acquire a new sense by illegally implanting a cybernetic organ into his own body.

Kai Landre, an 18-year-old Spanish musician, is not only seeking new avenues through which to create music, but to explore the possibilities of his self. His connection with space – the world beyond ours more than what envelops us in our daily life – has found him developing a cybernetic organ that allows him to perceive sounds from the universe: cosmic rays transformed by his creation into audible waves. Through his experiments he encounters a like-minded community that seeks to expand notions of identity and consciousness, even positing in him the idea of assimilating the machine he has created. But do such dreams come at a price? Morillo Vega’s film touches on the ethics and legal boundaries of these concepts, but ultimately, it remains focussed on its fascinating subject.

Content Guidance: Film contains scene of minor surgery.

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Cyborg Generation + Q&A
Showroom - Warner Chappell Production Music Screen 4
Q&A with producer Leonie Pokutta. Moderated by Hope Cook.
Cyborg Generation + Q&A
Showroom - Warner Chappell Production Music Screen 4
Q&A with producer Leonie Pokutta. Moderated by Arabella Ladiero.

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