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An opportunity for imprisoned fathers to spend time with their daughters is the focal point of this moving documentary about the United States' broken carceral system. 

In 2019, inmates at a Washington DC prison are offered the chance to attend a Daddy-Daughter dance. Daughters follows four participants and their daughters – Aubrey, Santana, Ja´Ana and Raziah – whose childhoods are marked by their fathers´ absence. Poetic and visually arresting, the film contrasts the flat, colourless prison interior with scenes featuring the girls, shot in lurid neon or soft grain, highlighting their joy and aspirations. Natalie Rae and Angela Patton are critical of the difficulties the families face in maintaining contact, thanks in large part to stringent limitations on in-person visits and prohibitive phone costs. And the dance is never posited as a simple resolution; rather it offers a moment of connection in a relationship – and within a system – that is otherwise damaged.

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Daughters + Q&A
The Light - Screen 6
Q&A with directors Natalie Rae, Angela Patton. Moderated by Carmen Thompson.
Showroom - Channel 5 Screen 2

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