Perinatal Dreaming. Understanding Country

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A meditative and thought provoking work that depicts early life in the womb and entry into the world, whilst exploring the impact of perinatal trauma.
As one of many Indigenous children forcibly removed from their mother at birth, artist ​Marianne Wobcke uses VR to explore perinatal trauma. ‘Perinatal Dreaming’ is a beautifully crafted audio-visual experience exploring the spiritual, emotional and biological formations of human consciousness from within the womb and entry into the world.

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Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1
Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1
Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1
Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1
Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1
Alternate Realities VR Cinema
Site Gallery - Studio 1

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