In the summer of 2014, the village of Rozsypne, deep in the Ukrainian countryside, found itself in the midst of war and the lives of its inhabitants were unsettled by the destruction and chaos at their doorstep. But the suffering of Rozsypne only made international news after Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down, killing all 298 passengers and raining debris over the fields and homes of the village – whose name translates as ‘scattered’.
Moving through the distinctive Ukrainian sunflower fields, this poetic, room-scale VR experience offers a fragmented window into the life of Nina, one of the village’s oldest residents.
Content Guidance: Work contains references to war.
Special Programmes
Premiere statusInternational premiere
Film details
Artist(s)Nienke Huitenga, Lisa Weeda
MediumVirtual Reality
Duration13 mins
Producer(s)Studio ZZZAP
Developer(s)Corin Donders, Hans van Arken
Designer(s)Frank Bosma
Language(s)English, Dutch, Russian