State of Silence

Estado de Silencio

Book Tickets
A gripping and sobering tale of Mexican journalists battling drug lords in a high-stakes game of truth and consequences.

State of Silence follows four Mexican Journalists as they shine a light of the failings of the ‘War on Drugs’. At the same time, they highlight the dangers faced by journalists reporting from the frontline of their local communities. Hundreds have gone missing in recent years, many reported murdered. Each of the stories in Santiago Maza’s urgent film contributes to the tapestry of collusion between organised crime and corrupt officials in all areas of government. It’s a reminder that the people who put their lives on the line, bringing us stories that matter, need protection and there is no acceptable solution that does not include the cooperation of the Mexican government and involvement from international bodies.

Content Guidance: Film contains scenes of violence.


Book tickets

Freedom of the Press: State of Silence + Conversation
Showroom - Warner Chappell Production Music Screen 4
English Subtitles Throughout
State of Silence + Q&A
Curzon - Screen 2
English Subtitles Throughout
Q&A with producer Abril López Carrillo and protagonists Jesús Medina and Juan de Dios García. Moderated by Che Scott-Heron Newton.

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