UMBILIC is an essay film that expands on the current discourse of Hydrofeminism through a mapping of research into water, following the line of a Black Feminist Geographical framework. An excavation into Scotland’s Black history, this work began in 2020, which incidentally was the ‘Year of Scottish Coasts and Waters’. The work asks: what can we learn from water? Fluidity, impermanence, ease of movement, care, methods of listening, tenderness – these are some possible answers. We can liquify ourselves, and look to water to guide us, provide answers, or inspire questions. UMBILIC is an offering; it is forever incomplete.
Campbell X will host a discussion with filmmakers from Destroy | Disturb | Disrupt - Decolonizing Queer Desire in Reframing Our Desires, presented as part of this year's Talks programme.
Film details
Director(s)Natasha Thembiso Ruwona
Duration15 mins