The opening of this powerful fly-on-the wall documentary contrasts scenes of tired-looking workers arriving at an Amazon warehouse with footage of Jeff Bezos´ rocket launch. It´s an effective and affecting juxtaposition – setting the stage for this account of the formation of the first Amazon Labor Union, led by Chris Smalls, who quit over unsafe working conditions. The film bears witness to long, tense conversations between union organisers, which are intercut with recordings of conversations surreptitiously captured inside the facility and footage of activists´ arrests. In-fighting, personality clashes and class tensions – not to mention nasty union-busting tactics – threaten progress. Story and Maing capture moments of landmark success, but the film makes clear that this is just the beginning of a long fight for the company’s 1.5 million employees.
Special Programmes
Premiere statusUK premiere
Film details
Director(s)Brett Story, Stephen Maing
Duration104 mins
Producer(s)Brett Story, Stephen Maing, Samantha Curley, Mars Verrone, Martin Dicicco
CinematographyMartin Dicicco, Stephen Maing
EditingBlair McLendon, Malika Zouhali-Worrall, Stephen Maing
SoundRobert Aiki Aubrey Lowe